

Thermocouples (TC) are temperature sensors composed of two dissimilar metals fused together that produce a change in voltage when heated. This change in voltage is interpreted as a change in temperature. The composition of the TC is dependent on the users temperature requirements.

MELLEN thermocouples are carefully packed and inspected in individual carriers designed to arrive protected and secure. The cleanly designed packaging allows for easy shipment and storage.

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MELLEN manufactures ceramic sheathed thermocouples of any length. Each thermocouple type can be used for a unique temperature range and application. The thermocouples can be manufactured with a variety of terminations, including the standard male and female, male and female miniature, and compensated spade lugs.

The ceramic sheath on the thermocouples provides a layer of protection for the thermocouple when used in systems with a shorting risk; the sheath is electrically insulating unlike in standard metal sheathed thermocouples. For applications that need additional protection (from electricity, gases, vapors, etc) MELLEN manufactures thermocouples with cemented tips, or fully enclosed in closed-one-end tubes.

Type K thermocouples are made of chromel and alumel alloys and used for oxidizing, inert and nuclear applications. These thermocouples are ideal for use between -270ºC - 1260ºC. MELLEN recommends them for use in furnaces rated for use up to 1100ºC.

Type S thermocouples are made of platinum rhodium alloys and used for oxidizing and inert applications. These thermocouples are ideal for use between 0ºC - 1450ºC. MELLEN recommends them for use in furnaces rated for use up to 1250ºC.

Type R thermocouples are made of platinum rhodium alloys and used for oxidizing and inert applications. These thermocouples are ideal for use between 0ºC - 1450ºC. MELLEN recommends them for use in furnaces rated for use up to 1400ºC. Type R and type S share a temperature range, though Type R thermocouples tend to be more robust at higher temperatures.

Type B thermocouples are made of platinum rhodium alloys and used for oxidizing and inert applications. These thermocouples are ideal for use between 500ºC - 1850ºC. MELLEN recommends them for use in furnaces rated for use up to 1700ºC. Type B thermocouples have low limits of error, and are used for higher temperature ranges, but have limited output below 200ºC and therefore are not recommended for lower temperature applications.

Have questions about thermocouples or calibrations? Contact MELLEN’s knowledgeable engineers to find out more.